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Сообщения, опубликованные madmax

  1. Ребят сапорт ответил:


    There isn't really any way through our game to check into quests you have already completed, but I have heard about add-ons that have locations that may help you find the quest.

    While we do not officially support add-ons and I am not allowed to recommend anything specific, a Google search of "eso addons" may aim you in the right direction.


    The Elder Scrolls Online Support Team

    О каком она аддоне имел введу?

  2. Совет из темы "помощь по квестам".

    Пройтись по всем главным дорогам и по побережьям.

    Точно есть квест 28,63, еще 1 квест в Deep Graves (и пофиг, что зона закрыта). Остальные 2 квеста ищите сами, иначе неинтересно :Р

    а что там за квест на 28.63?

  3. Всем привет. Прошел почти все квесты, то бишь 58, все зоны зачистил... ну как не как не дает достижения - зачистку shadowfen. Возможно поможете по своему опыту ,подскажите где редко встречаемые квесты, возможно их и не заметил, или же если есть какой-то аддон который подскажит где эти квесты. Спасибо.

    ПС: Карта вдруг, что-то заметите, еще раз спасибо.


  4. Может кому-то пригодится, ответил саппорт игры:

    Greetings fellow adventurer!

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    I am sorry to hear that you are having difficulties with your quest. With the new release there is the possibility that a couple of mudcrabs have gotten into our system. Thank you for bringing this quest to our attention.

    Here are some troubleshooting tips that may help you as we work towards a more permanent solution. We recommend that you try the following:

    • Typing /reloadui in your chatbox, for graphics or user-interface issues
    • Typing /camp in your chatbox, which logs you out. Afterwards, exit out of the game and launcher, and wait 15 minutes before logging back in. You are performing a soft-reset which will clear out the cache and allow the game to load properly.
    • You can venture off to complete other quests, allowing time to pass and the greater possibility being able to interact with the NPC
    • It is also possible that you can return with a party and attempt the quest with a fresh start (after sharing the quest via group tab)
    • As a last resort you can try abandoning the quest and re-acquire it

    Any of these tips can also apply to other quests or problems that you may have in the future, too.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

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