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Сообщения, опубликованные steyr

  1. Меня всегда радовала гениальная находка советских архитекторов - козырёк из цельной бетонной плиты. Будто бы апокалипсис уже настал над этими отдельно взятыми козырьками.

    Бетон дешевле и долговечнее металла, ты забыл про массовость.
  2. Да. разные, главное, чтобы игры стояли в разных папках.

    Если у тебя виста\7\8, то обязательно обе игры запускай от администратора.


    З.Ы. Не стоит запускать сейвы от другой копии игры на репаке. Слишком велика разница в наборе плагинов.

    У меня с маст хэвом, кстати, не от админа запускается намного лучше.Семёрка.
  3. М-м, занятно. Даже межрасовые браки можно делать и даже Атмора есть. =)







    Резко приперло поиграть за альтмеров и ими захватить жалких бретонских людишек и эльфизировать Хай Рок обратно, а заодно и все эльфийские земли собрать воедино.

    Что за игра?
  4. У меня вылетает всегда , если во время рукопашки переключиться с быстрой клавиши на оружие. В Warning написано много


    One of the files that "SiegeAtFiremoth_1C.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Astral_Arena_1C.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "necrom.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "SLaura.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "New_Art_Models.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "DynamicMagickaRegeneration-2.1-Tribunal_1C.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "BLLDV_MW_TR.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "BLLDV_ALL.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "BLLDV_dwemer.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Better Heads Tribunal addon.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Almalexia armor.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Dagger of Symmachus.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "The Forgotten Shields - Artifacts VN.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "IceNioLivRobeReplacerPLUS.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Better Clothes TB.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Animated_Morrowind_1.0.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Key Replacer.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Unique Finery.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "MR's Better Heads Tribunal addon.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Legion and Indoril Uniform.ESP" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "New Bow of Shadows.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "New Veloth's Judgement.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "New Boots of Blinding Speed.ESP" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "New Lord's Mail.ESP" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Left Gloves Addon.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Better Silver Armor.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Unable to find referenced object "battle_pit_door" in script ArenaChampionScript.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_extrav_2_f.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_5.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_extrav_2_f.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_03.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_extrav_2_f.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_extrav_2_f.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_extrav_2_f.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

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    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

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    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_expensive_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_2.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1.


    но по - моему это не то. Вылетало ещё тогда, когда не стояло ни одного мода. Из-за этого скромная добыча скрибового желе становится.. нервной. Надо постоянно помнить о том, что если ты решишь, что хватит выбивать с него дурь, то переключаться надо через меню. Не сказать, что это смертельно, но если захочу играть рукопашником, это будет очень неудобно.

  5. Ниу кого не было такого- вот я обхожу Дома, становлюсь Наставником. В Храм сунулся сдать квест, а мне говорят- да ты Нереварин, еретик и всё такое. Вообще- то это не баг, а фича, потому что выглядит вполне естественно, но вроде в описании нигде не сказано об этом?
  6. Игра хак энд слеш с мало мальскими элементами RPG (то бишь одного жанра с Diablo) но на Diablo прада она мало похожа. Если играл в Bastion, то это ближайший аналог из нынешних игр. Играть стоит определённо, хотя бы за отличный искромётный юмор, пародии и умилительные песни. К примеру ворчание барда на счёт несуществующих мышей когда Рассказчик рассказывает про управление, или спор Барда и Рассказчика при убийстве первого волка, когда оного выпадает драгоценности, тут рассказчик вмешивается и говорит, что такие бредовые моменты мы по ходу рассказа будем пропускать, с тех пор выпадают лишь волчьи шкуры, правда иногда например может выпасть корзинка и красная шапка.


    Кстати говоря сюжет Bard’s Tale написал основатель Interplay Брайан Фарго, я думаю не нужно озвучивать над какими проектами работал.

    качаю, спасибо!
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