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Сообщения, опубликованные morrow

  1. У меня инвентарь торговцев обновляется через каждые сутки(24 часа игрового времени) О каких неделях и месяцах идёт речь? В МСР есть вкладка "для плагиностроения" в этом разделе есть "временная шкала обновления контейнеров" напротив неё у меня стоит галочка,я хз,но может это повлияло что я не жду неделю когда у стоящего передомной торговца инвентарь пополнится.

    Браво, у вас обновление вещей из-за включенной галки происходит в 30 раз быстрее задуманного. Я не знаю как в репаке реализовано обновление товаров и задействуется ли эта ГМСТ-переменная, но если задействуется, то вы чутка скорость обновления товаров и восстановления вещей в сундуках гильдий нарушили. Подождем, что Эл скажет.

  2. В сборке что-ли понерфлены Ползун и Грязекраб торговец? Они некоторые предметы не покупают за полную стоимость почему-то. Например часть из честно сворованных вещей из сокровищницы Редорана, что в Вивеке. Большинство вещей скамп купил, но эбонитовую кирасу и булаву, не захотел, то же самое и Грязекраб.



    У вас эти предметы с состоянием, убитым в хлам, вот и цена ниже. Почините - будет скупать дороже.

    Это хорошо только когда сам покупаешь такие вещи, помним известный прикол с покупкой у торгаша в одном городке Хлаалу стеклянного кинжала с состоянием 0 за гроши.

  3. Во-первых, я плохо представляю технические особенности перевода плагинов (наверное, нужна как минимум английская ванила, а также много ручной работы по копированию-вставке английского текста в книги?), во-вторых, нет, в ближайшем будущем не собираюсь. Честно говоря, сейчас маловато времени.

    Да, английская версия понадобится, как и вышеупомянутый Ctrl-C - Ctrl-V англотекста.

    Не будете против, если я вдруг неспешно возьмусь за это и закину сюда в тему и на Нексус, с указанием авторства?

  4. Привет всем, заранее прошу прощения, если этот вопрос уже обсуждался здесь либо где то еще на форуме (поиск по ключевому слову "фпс" ничего не дал), но нельзя ли указать какую видеокарту нужно иметь, чтобы играть стабильные 60 фпс хотя бы на среднем пресете в сей репак, что в репаке конкретно влияет на фпс и что можно сделать в сторону его улучшения, помимо покупки новой видеокарты( для игры, которая старше половины форумчан, кекв), если не сложно поразвернутее ответ хотелось бы получить. Спасибо (У меня gtx 1050ti) 

    Не совсем свежее, но актуально, п.2 — https://www.fullrest.ru/forum/topic/41405-mfr-3000-manual/?do=findComment&comment=984645

    Как вариант — перейти на движок ОпенМВ, но и там скорее всего на 1050ти не вывезет, если врубить на максимум шейдер воды, включить тени и корявый пока дистант.


    И также сундуки в гильдиях магов, они обновляются или это отключили? Играю если что без каких-либо доп. плагинов.

    Сундуки и в оригинале обновлялись через 4 месяца


    P.S. От себя добавлю, что можно в принципе вырубить Distant Land, не особо-то он оказывается мне и нужен был, а учитывая как он повлиял на производительность в целом, это было лучшим решением. Все остальные настройки графики можно выкручивать на макс, разницы не будет почти никакой.

    О, опередили. На самом деле если нет желания играть с дистант лендом, то можно вообще без МГЕ играть, либо оставить ДЛ хоть немного: совсем без ДЛ игра с МГЕ выглядит отвратно, "туман" более отстойный чем в оригинале.




  5. Всем доброго времени суток! Хотелось бы убрать эту возможность из игры. Если убрать хил на удалённую цель, то скорее всего такой возможности не будет.

    Как хил на удаленную цель связан с "взломом характеристик"?


    Что мешает нормально играть, просто ограничивая себя в багоюзерстве, а не блокируя полезные фичи (хил на удаленную цель)?

  6. Нет, в МФР 3.3 войдет уже протестированная и правленная версия 2.2. Изменения, добавленные в 3.3 я вручную потом по настроению добавлю в обновлениях.


    Так что, чем тыкать дубинкой, лучше бы потестил сам. А хомячками называть игроков... ну выдр, ты хамишь, не надо так больше.

    А смысл? Новых "домов" в 3.3 если и было добавлено, то парочка. Там в другом плане изменения же.


    У меня нет МФР даже, на чём я тестить буду и зачем, если сам на англ. версии играю?


    Судя по всему русская версия 3.3 аналогична английской, которая за месяцев 10 была кучу раз скачана юзерами с нексуса. Из серьёзных недочётов был только косяк с возникшим русским текстом. Можно просто пробежаться по текстам, т.к. тестировать в игре это долго и нудно. Ну и сравнить обе версии в редакторе. Почему-то в рус.версии больше ячеек задето и меньше диалоговых записей. Смотреть глубже нет желания.

  7. Еще хотел бы отметить, что дистант дико жрёт фпс. Ryzen 5 2500U, 8gb, RX560X 4gb. Не топовый ноутбук, но тот же Battlefiled V летает на средне-высоких. Думал, в ОпенМВ завезут производительность.


    Дистант ленд не готов. Сделать производительной неготовую ещё фичу немножко сложно.

    И какие вы настройки используете для удаленного ландшафта?

  8. Прошу такое же для рашн версии!

    Эбонитовой дубинкой этому гражданину!

    Там не текстовку надо проверять, а правильно ли всё работает, а это тестить надо.

    Предлагаю на хомячках бета-тестерах МФР 3.3 и опробовать. Заодно и в английскую версию можно внести правки, если найдутся косяки.

  9. Проехался по тексту в английской версии, поправил очепятки, корявый перевод, убрал ошибки, добавил своих. Обрати внимание на текст в квадратных скобках, который я сам добавил — его не надо копировать в игру, это просто объяснения или пометки, как и выделение жирным каких-то вещей. Теоретически мог что-то пропустить, конечно.





    Houses all around Morrowind, that become vacant during the quests, are now could be purchased.
    Feel free to do anything you like with this file.
    Version 3.3

    Houses all around Morrowind that become vacant after some quests are purchasable now.
    Feel free to do anything you like with this file.
    Version 3.4






    Baladas Demnevanni highly appreciated my respect and allowed me to settle down on the lower tier of the tower Arvs-Drelen.

    Baladas Demnevanni highly appreciated my respect and allowed me to settle down on the lower tier of the tower of Arvs-Drelen.

    [или "of Arvs-Drelen's tower", или "of Arvs-Drelen"]




    I need to earn 5000 gold if I want to buy a house belonging to Balyn Omavel.

    I need to pay 5000 gold if I want to buy the house belonged to Balyn Omavel.

    [Щас-то ему только могила принадлежит]


    Now Balyn Omavel's house belongs to me.

    Balyn Omavel's house belongs to me now.




    I need to accumulate 21000 septims if I want to buy a house belonging to Dura gra-Bol.

    I need to accumulate [или лучше "pay"] 21,000 septims if I want to buy the house belonged to Dura gra-Bol.

    [5 символов в числе – запятую надо ставить (21000 →21,000; 21000000 → 21,000,000]


    Now I have a four-storey house in Balmora. Furniture in it is not enough, but a lot of space for the trophies, they will always be in sight!

    I have a four-storey house in Balmora now. There is not enough furniture inside but there are a lot of space for the trophies so they will always be in sight!




    There are rumors here in Balmora that Ralen Hlaalo was recently killed and after murderer will be punished his Manor will be sold.

    There are rumors here in Balmora that Ralen Hlaalo was recently killed and his manor will be sold after murderer is punished.


    I need to save 30000 gold if I want to buy a manor owned by Ralen Hlaalo.

    I need to save 30,000 gold if I want to buy the manor owned by Ralen Hlaalo.


    I have my own manor in Balmora, worthy of true Hlaalu! Now I need to properly decorate it, with taste and grace!

    I have my own manor in Balmora worthy of true Hlaalu! I need to properly decorate it now with taste and grace!




    To buy a house in Balmora that belonged to the smuggler Vorar Helas, I need to save 10000 drakes.

    I need 10,000 drakes to buy the house in Balmora that belonged to the smuggler Vorar Helas.


    Now I have my own two-storey house in Labor Town of Balmora. It is located on the outskirts, but here it is very quiet and peaceful. Especially after so many scoundrels in Balmora overtook a justice retribution!

    I have my own two-storey house in Labor Town of Balmora now. It is located on the outskirts, but it is very quiet and peaceful here. Especially after so many scoundrels in Balmora has been justly punished!




    I need to accumulate 7000 septims if I want to buy a house belonging to Drinar Varyon.

    I need to accumulate [или лучше "pay"] 7000 septims if I want to buy the house belonged to Drinar Varyon.


    I have my own house in Ald'run! It is not very large, but very conveniently located.

    I have my own house in Ald'ruhn! It is not very large, but very conveniently located.




    House owned by Hanaray Assutlanipal in Ald'ruhn could be sold to House Redoran member which has a recomendation of the Councilman.

    House owned by Hanarai Assutlanipal in Ald'ruhn could be sold to any House Redoran member who has a recomendation of a [не проверял, если одобрение можно получить от любого Советника, то точно "a", а если от определенного, то стоит прописать какого] Councilman.


    If I want to buy a large house in which Hanarai Assutlanipal lived, I need to save 15000 gold.

    If I want to buy the large house where Hanarai Assutlanipal lived, I need to pay 15,000 gold.


    Finally, I have a big house in Ald'run, worthy of a noble member of House Redoran! Now I need to properly decorate it, to emphasize the taste and nobility of the owner.

    Finally, I have a big house in Ald'ruhn worthy of a noble member of House Redoran! I need to properly decorate it now to emphasize the taste and nobility of the owner.




    For the courage, shown in the protection of Mournhold and the concern for the safety of the inhabitants, I have been granted a manor in Godrich.

    For the courage shown in the protection of Mournhold and the concern for the safety of the inhabitants, I have been granted a manor in Godsreach.




    Tashpi Ashibael is dissapeared and now people of Maar Gan need a healer. As far as I know that Tashpi will not return, it could be possible to settle down in her hut...

    Tashpi Ashibael has disappeared and people of Maar Gan need a healer now. As far as I know Tashpi will not return so it could be possible to settle down in her hut...


    I need to earn 5000 gold to buy a hut that belonged to Tashpi Ashibael.

    I need to earn 5000 gold to buy the hut that belonged to Tashpi Ashibael.


    I have my own hut in Maar Gan now and I can furnish it as I want! As the only healer here, it is my duty to help the inhabitants of Maar Gan, healing common and blight diseases, as soon as they ask me to do so.

    I have my own hut in Maar Gan now and I can furnish it as I want! As I am the only healer here it is my duty to help the inhabitants of Maar Gan by healing common and blight diseases, if as they ask me to do so.




    I need to get 4000 gold if I want to buy a house that belonged to Nads Tharen.

    I need to get 4000 gold if I want to buy the house that belonged to Nads Tharen.


    Now I have my own house in the St. Delin Canton. It is located in a quiet area, far away from unnecessary eyes.

    I have my own house in the St. Delyn Canton now. It is located in a quiet area far away from prying eyes.




    Endryn Lletan let me settle down in the house Waist North-Two, located in the northeastern part of the upper level of St. Delin Canton, near the bridge to Redoran Canton.

    Endryn Llethan let me settle down in the house Waist North-Two, located in the northeastern part of the upper level of St. Delyn Canton near the bridge to Redoran Canton.




    I need to accumulate 4000 gold if I want to buy a house belonging to Dro'Sakhar.

    I need to accumulate 4000 gold if I want to buy the house belonged to Dro'Sakhar.


    Now I have my own house in the St. Olms Canton. It is small but cozy, and from the parapet there is a beautiful view on the bay. In addition, there is a mannequin and I can improve my fighting skills right at home!

    I have my own house in the St. Olms Canton now. It is small but cozy, and there is a beautiful view of the bay from the parapet. In addition, there is a mannequin and I can improve my fighting skills right at home!




    Here is the key to the house the Waist North-Two, you can settle in it. The house is located in the northeastern part of the upper level of St. Delin Canton, near the bridge to Redoran Canton.

    Here is the key to the house the Waist North-Two; you can settle in it. The house is situated in the northeastern part of the upper level of St. Delyn Canton near the bridge to Redoran Canton.


    You can occupy the quarters of the Knight of the Imperial Dragon in Imperial Commission in Ebonheart.

    You can occupy the quarters of the Knight of the Imperial Dragon in the Imperial Commission in Ebonheart.


    You may live in the room of treacherous Furius Acilius in the garrison, if you want.

    You may live in the room of treacherous Furius Acilius in the garrison if you want.


    You may stay for a while in the house of Sados Relothan, if you want.

    You may stay for a while in the house of Sados Relothan if you want.


    You can live in this chamber, if you want. Arantamo will look after the order in your absence.

    You can live in this chamber if you want. Arantamo will keep order in your absence.


    You can live in the Master Thief's chamber, behind the wall in Simine Fralinie's Bookstore.

    You can live in the Master Thief's chamber in Simine Fralinie's Bookstore. (комната таки за дверью, а не за стеной, и даже не спрятана, и уже не закрыта)


    Noble Ienas Sarandas is studying to be a priest at the Ald'ruhn Temple. You may stay in his house for a while, if you want.

    Noble Ienas Sarandas studies to be a priest at the Ald'ruhn Temple. You may stay in his house for a while if you want.


    We hear that Ienas Sarandas has given his house to the Temple and is studying to be a priest at the Ald'ruhn Temple. You may sleep in that house as other pilgrims, if you want.

    We hear that Ienas Sarandas has given his house to the Temple and started his study to be a priest at the Ald'ruhn Temple. You may sleep in that house as other pilgrims if you want.


    If you need to spend the night in Gnisis, you can sit on one of the beds in the room, that to the right and up the corridor, immediately after entering Arvs-Drelen.

    If you need to spend the night in Gnisis, you can sleep on one of the four beds in the bedroom. Go downstairs to the tower's entrance hall and turn to the left corridor so you'll find it.

    [чот исходное объяснение корявое, поменять предлагаю]


    Your valor is beyond praise! Take as a gift the magnificent Manor in Godrich, which previously belonged to the fiend Velas family!

    Your valor is beyond praise! Take the magnificent manor in Godsreach which previously belonged to the fiend Velas family as a gift!

    [обрати внимание, что такие реплики у двух персов сразу, обе поменять надо]



    Drinar Varyon's house

    Okay. If you change your mind - let me know.

    Okay. Let me know if you change your mind.



    Dro'Sakhar's house

    Yes, the house where this khajiit lived, is for sale now. Come back, when you earn four thousand drakes.

    Yes, the house where this Khajiit lived is for sale now. Come back when you have four thousand drakes.



    Dura gra-Bol's house

    Come, when you will be ready to pay twenty one thousand septims. A houses in Balmora are not cheap.

    Come when you will be ready to pay twenty one thousand septims. Houses in Balmora are not cheap.


    House of Dura gra-Bol is still empty. Are you ready to pay 21000 gold for it? If so, I'll tell my friend in the House of Hlaalu that it's time to bring the house in order.

    House of Dura gra-Bol is still empty. Are you ready to pay 21,000 gold for it? If so I'll tell my friend in the House of Hlaalu that it's time to bring the house in order.


    Good. You can stay in your new home, and I'll sort out all the formalities so far.

    Good. You can stay in your new home and I'll sort out all the formalities so far.



    Foryn Gilnith's shack

    I can't sell you the Foryn Gilnith's shack now. Come, when you save eight hundred septims.

    I can't sell you the Foryn Gilnith's shack now. Come when you have [или earn] eight hundred septims.


    Excellent! Now the shack belongs to you. I hope the people of Seyda Neen will soon forget this rascal Gilnith!

    Excellent! The shack belongs to you now. I hope the people of Seyda Neen will soon forget this rascal Gilnith!


    As you want. If you change your mind - let me know.

    As you want. Let me know if you change your mind.



    Greeting 1

    Do you have the 15000 drakes and the construction contract?

    Do you have the 15,000 drakes and the construction contract?


    If you want me to build you a stronghold, I will need 15000 drakes for labor and materials. You must also bring me a construction contract from Duke Dren in Ebonheart.

    If you want me to build you a stronghold, I will need 15,000 drakes for labor and materials. You must also bring me a construction contract from Duke Dren in Ebonheart.


    You have the construction contract, yes, but I must also have 15000 drakes for labor and materials.

    You have the construction contract, yes, but I must also have 15,000 drakes for labor and materials.


    Do you have the Dwemer schematics from Mzanchend and the 15000 gold?

    Do you have the Dwemer schematics from Mzanchend and the 15,000 gold?


    If you want me to build you a tower fit for a Telvanni Councilor, I will need 15000 drakes for expenses. I also want you to investigate the Dwemer ruin of Mzanchend northwest of your stronghold. Bring me any plans or schematics you find there.

    If you want me to build you a tower fit for a Telvanni Councilor, I will need 15,000 drakes for expenses. I also want you to investigate the Dwemer ruin of Mzanchend northwest of your stronghold. Bring me any plans or schematics you find there.



    Hanarai Assutlanipal's house

    I will ask the Council not to sell this house yet. Try to save fifteen thousand gold quickly, and it will be yours!

    I will ask the Council not to sell this house yet. Try to get fifteen thousand gold quickly and it will be yours!


    I guess you are ready to buy this big house. If this is the case, I will immediately order to prepare your new manor. By law, all the belongings of a criminal becomes the property of House Redoran.

    I guess you are ready to buy this big house. If this is the case, I will immediately order to prepare your new manor. All the belongings of a criminal become the property of House Redoran by law.


    Don't you want to settle in Ald'run? Please hurry with the solution!

    Don't you want to settle in Ald'ruhn? Please hurry up with the solution!



    Hlaalo Manor

    Good. When you're ready - let me know. I hope no one will have time to buy it before you.

    Good. Let me know when you're ready. I hope no one will have time to buy it before you.


    Congratulations on the successful acquisition, %PCName! Now everything is ready, you can be located in your new home. Yes, one more thing. Be softer with the maid, Uryne Nirith. After killing the previous owner, she is a little out of herself.

    Congratulations on the successful acquisition, %PCName! Everything is ready now and you can settle in your new house. Yes, one more thing. Be softer with the maid, Uryne Nirith. She is a little off after the death of the previous owner.


    So, you have thirty thousand drakes, and the Hlaalo Manor is still vacant. Such a good coincidence! Are you ready to buy it?

    So, you have thirty thousand drakes and the Hlaalo Manor is still vacant. Such a good coincidence! Are you ready to buy it?


    It is located in the best district of the city, as you know. If you reach the rank of House Brother and Hlaalo Manor will be vacant, I can help you to purchase it.

    It is located in the best district of the city, as you know. If you reach the rank of House Brother and Hlaalo Manor is vacant, I can help you to purchase it.




    Galsa Gindu told me that in order to build my stronghold, I must pay 15000 gold and get a construction contract from Duke Dren in Ebonheart.

    Galsa Gindu told me that in order to build my stronghold, I must pay 15,000 gold and get a construction contract from Duke Dren in Ebonheart.


    I gave Galsa Gindu 15000 gold and the construction contract. She told me that construction on my stronghold would begin soon.

    I gave Galsa Gindu 15,000 gold and the construction contract. She told me that construction on my stronghold would begin soon.




    Llunela Hleran said that she could improve my stronghold if I paid her 15000 gold. She also wants me to investigate the Dwemer ruin of Mzanchend northwest of my stronghold. I should bring her any dwemer plans or schematics that I find there.

    Llunela Hleran said that she could improve my stronghold if I paid her 15,000 gold. She also wants me to investigate the Dwemer ruin of Mzanchend northwest of my stronghold. I should bring her any dwemer plans or schematics that I find there.


    Llunela Hleran thanked me for the 15000 gold and the Dwemer Schematics. She will give orders to build the next stage of my stronghold.

    Llunela Hleran thanked me for the 15,000 gold and the Dwemer Schematics. She will give orders to build the next stage of my stronghold.




    To blame for the smuggling of Vorar Helas

    Blame Vorar Helas for smuggling


    Since the miserable Rabinna is delivered to the Argonian mission, I have no evidence that Vorar Helas is a smuggler. Larrius Varro suggested that I go to Balmora and find any evidence that Vorar Helas is engaged in smuggling in his house.

    Since the miserable Rabinna has been delivered to the Argonian mission, I have no evidence that Vorar Helas is a smuggler. Larrius Varro suggested that I go to Balmora and find any evidence that Vorar Helas is engaged in smuggling in his house.


    I managed to find the Dwemer goblet in the house of Vorar Helas and bring it to Larrius Varro. Now he will be looked for as a smuggler, and will be betrayed to a fair trial as soon as the Legion catch him.

    I've managed to find the Dwemer goblet in the house of Vorar Helas and bring it to Larrius Varro. He will be looked for his smuggling activity from now on and will be brought to fair justice as soon as the Legion catches him.


    I told Larrius Varro that Vorar Helas was dead.

    I told Larrius Varro that Vorar Helas is dead.



    latest rumors

    I've just heard that Hanarai Assutlanipal got what she deserved. Her property is confiscated, and the house will be sold only to the faithful Redoran member by the recomendation of a Councilman.

    I've just heard that Hanarai Assutlanipal got what she deserved. Her property was confiscated and the house will be sold only to the faithful Redoran member on the recomendation of a Councilman.

    [не проверял, если одобрение можно получить от любого Советника, то точно "a Councilman", а если от определенного, то стоит прописать какого]


    Hanarai Assutlanipal betrayed House Redoran and got what she deserved. Her property is confiscated, and the house will be sold only to the faithful Redoran member by the recomendation of Councilman.

    Hanarai Assutlanipal has betrayed House Redoran and got what she deserved. Her property was confiscated and the house will be sold only to the faithful Redoran member on the recomendation of a Councilman.


    I've just heard that Drinar Varyon was arrested for smuggling. He's already on his way to a jail on the mainland. All his property is confiscated, and the house is for sale.

    I've just heard that Drinar Varyon was arrested for smuggling. He's already on his way to a jail on the mainland. All his property was confiscated and the house is for sale.


    Drinar Varyon was arrested for smuggling. He's on his way to a jail on the mainland. All his property is confiscated, and the house is for sale.

    Drinar Varyon was arrested for smuggling. He's on his way to a jail on the mainland. All his property was confiscated and the house is for sale.


    Have you heard? Nads Tharen was found dead in his house! That's what lead by the dangerous acquaintances. It is said that Temple's officials already sell his house.

    Have you heard? Nads Tharen was found dead in his house! That's what dangerous acquaintances lead to. They say that Temple's officials are already selling his house.

    [Странно, что в русской версии в конце "Говорят, что @Храм# позволит поселиться в этом доме любому благочестивому прихожанину."]


    Dro'Sakhar is finally overtooked by justice! I want to believe that someone more law-abiding will buy his dwelling. Bad neighbors are not liked by anyone. It is said that Temple's officials already sell his house.

    Dro'Sakhar has been finally justly punished! I want to believe that someone more law-abiding will buy his dwelling. No one likes bad neighbors. They say that Temple's officials are already selling his house.


    Have you heard? Vorar Helas was killed in his own house. Some people say that the Imperial administration demanded from House Hlaalu to get approve for a sale of Vorar's house from them. It is interesting, isn't it?

    Have you heard? Vorar Helas was killed in his own house. Some people say that the Imperial administration demanded from House Hlaalu to get approval for a sale of Vorar's house from it. It is interesting, isn't it?


    It is said that Dara gra-Bol is finally overtooked by justice, and her house has already been put up for sale.

    They say Dura gra-Bol had been punished by death and her house has already been put up for sale.


    I have heard that noble Ralen Hlaalo is murdered in his own house! The city authorities are investigating, and the house is under lock and key. He does not have any heirs, so the house will certainly be sold to pompous Hlaalu when everything turns out.

    I have heard that noble Ralen Hlaalo was murdered in his own house! The city authorities are investigating, and the house is under lock and key. He does not have any heirs, so the house will certainly be sold to pompous Hlaalu when everything turns out.


    Everyone is talking about the mysterious disappearance of Tashpi Ashibael. Nobody knows what became of her, nothing valuable was lost in her's house. Such strange story... But now there is nobody who can heal any sick one in Maar Gan... We all hope that House Redoran will invite the healer as soon as possible.

    Everybody talk about the mysterious disappearance of Tashpi Ashibael. Nobody knows what happened to her, nothing valuable was missing in her house. Such a strange story... But there is nobody who can heal sick ones in Maar Gan now... We all hope that House Redoran will invite a healer as soon as possible.

    So you helped Vodunius Nuccius leave here. A noble deed, no one will say anything apart. I have heard that Socucius Ergalla has already announced the sale of his house.

    So you helped Vodunius Nuccius to leave here. Such a noble deed, wouldn't you say? I have heard that Socucius Ergalla had already announced the sale of his house.


    Foryn Gilnith's shack is for sale. If you want to buy it, ask the Imperial officials in the office.

    Foryn Gilnith's shack is for sale. If you want to buy it, ask Imperial officials in the office.



    Nads Tharen's house

    Okay. But keep in mind - it can be bought at any time!

    Okay. But keep in mind it can be bought at any time!


    The house in which Nads Tharen lived, has not yet been sold. Come, when you get four thousand septims.

    The house where Nads Tharen lived has not yet been sold. Come when you get four thousand septims.




    It would not be proper of me to be your patron. However, I can be your patron... in a figurative sense. If you want - settle down in the room on the lower tier of the tower. Just do not bother me over trifles, okay?

    It would not be proper of me to be your patron. However, I can be your patron... in a figurative sense. You can settle down in the room on the lower tier of the tower if you want. Just do not bother me over trifles, okay?




    So the leader of these bandits is dead? Excellent. My friend said that he will help you to buy that Vacant Manor if you get him ten thousand gold. And don't worry about the mess, cleaning is included in the cost of the deal.

    So the leader of these bandits is dead? Excellent. My friend said that he would help you to buy that Vacant Manor if you get him ten thousand gold. And don't worry about the mess inside, cleaning is included in the cost of the deal.

    [две таких фразы]


    I appreciate your composure and prudence. And I have big doubts they need my weapons for a good purpose. If you manage to calm down these rascals, I'll help you to purchase Vacant Manor. Deal?

    I appreciate your composure and prudence. And I have strong [или "grave"] doubts they need my weapons for a good purpose. If you manage to calm down these rascals, I'll help you to purchase the Vacant Manor. Deal?




    [аналогично гритингам выше]


    Do you have the 15000 drakes and the construction contract?

    Do you have the 15,000 drakes and the construction contract?


    If you want me to build you a stronghold, I will need 15000 drakes for labor and materials. You must also bring me a construction contract from Duke Dren in Ebonheart.

    If you want me to build you a stronghold, I will need 15,000 drakes for labor and materials. You must also bring me a construction contract from Duke Dren in Ebonheart.


    You have the construction contract, yes, but I must also have 15000 drakes for labor and materials.

    You have the construction contract, yes, but I must also have 15,000 drakes for labor and materials.


    Do you have the Dwemer schematics from Mzanchend and the 15000 gold?

    Do you have the Dwemer schematics from Mzanchend and the 15,000 gold?


    If you want me to build you a tower fit for a Telvanni Councilor, I will need 15000 drakes for expenses. I also want you to investigate the Dwemer ruin of Mzanchend northwest of your stronghold. Bring me any plans or schematics you find there.

    If you want me to build you a tower fit for a Telvanni Councilor, I will need 15,000 drakes for expenses. I also want you to investigate the Dwemer ruin of Mzanchend northwest of your stronghold. Bring me any plans or schematics you find there.



    Tashpi Ashibael's hut

    We should wait for a while, maybe poor Tashpi is still near... By the way, you need to accumulate five thousand drakes if she will not appear.

    We should wait for a while, maybe poor Tashpi is still near... By the way, you'll need to pay five thousand drakes for her hut if she doesn't appear.


    Now we sure that Tashpi hurried to the mainland with the help of some smugglers. It's against the law, therefore her property is placed at the disposal of the Council. I can sell you Tashpi's hut, if you swear to cure the inhabitants of Maar Gan for any diseases at their first request.

    We are sure now that Tashpi traveled to the mainland in a hurry with a help of some smugglers. It's against the law, therefore her property was kept at the disposal of the Council. I can sell you Tashpi's hut, if you swear to cure diseases of any inhabitant of Maar Gan at the first request.


    Now the hut is yours. You can take care of the interior of your new home. So, I will do my business for now and you will fulfill your oath well, don't you?

    The hut is yours now. You can take care of the interior of your new home. So I will do my business for now and you will honor your oath well, won't you?


    Is it so difficult to cure a couple of diseases a day? Well, as you wish. I think, House Redoran find a more capable and determined buyer very soon.

    Is it so difficult to cure a couple of diseases a day? Well, as you wish. I think House Redoran will find a more capable and determined buyer very soon.



    Vacant Manor

    Come, when you have ten thousand, I'll wait.

    Come when you have ten thousand, I'll wait.


    Are you ready to buy that house? Then give me ten thousand drakes and then the house will be put in order.

    Are you ready to buy that house? Then give me ten thousand drakes and I will ask to bring the house in order for you.


    Perfectly. As soon as I give my friend the money, workers will be sent there to put things in order and change the lock. Here is your key.

    Perfect. As soon as I give money to my friend, workers will be sent there to put things in order, and to change the lock. Here is your key.



    Vodunius Nuccius' house

    If you want to buy this house, you need to get two thousand drakes.

    If you want to buy this house, you'll need to get two thousand drakes.


    Are you ready to buy? Then let's make a deal, and then the house will be put in order.

    Are you ready to buy? Then let's make a deal, and I will ask to bring your new house in order.


    Great. Congratulations on your successful acquisition! I think that Arrille will be able to offer you everything you need to properly furnish your home.

    Great. Congratulations on your successful acquisition! I think that Arrille is able to offer you everything you need to properly furnish your home.



    Vorar Helas

    One scum less in Balmora. Maybe you want ito settle down in Vorar Helas' house? It would be nice to have such a faithful resident in Balmora.

    One less scum in Balmora. Maybe you want to settle down in Vorar Helas' house? It would be nice to have such a faithful resident in Balmora.


    This along with the word of a member of the Legions should be enough to convict him. Thank you.

    This along with the word of a member of the Legion should be enough to convict him. Thank you.


    You seem amused... Do you already have proof that Vorar Helas is a smuggler?

    You seem amused... Have you already got a proof that Vorar Helas is a smuggler?



    Vorar Helas' house

    This house is for sale now. Come, when you earn ten thousand drakes.

    This house is for sale now. Come when you earn ten thousand drakes.


    Yes, this house has not been sold yet. Are you ready to pay 10000 gold for it? If so, I'll hand it over to immediately clean that house.

    Yes, this house has not been sold yet. Are you ready to pay 10,000 gold for it? If so, I'll tell workers to clean up that house immediately.






  10. Мимо, а ты пока что просто флудишь.

    Блен, ну свои поделки хотя бы раз надо протестировать. Это ж... мера приличия, что-ли. Просто один вечер тратит на тест все и вся, потом правишь и выкладываешь. Все.

    А ты самомодерируешь.

    Так я если пральна понимаю, то новой русскоязычной версии 3.4 и даже 3.3 нет в природе, что ему тестировать-то?

    Надо сначала перевести, потом обмазаться консольными командами и бегать по городам и весям проверять, всё ли работает: весь плагин и состоит из того, что дома на определенной стадии и при определенных условиях становятся доступны, невероятно весело будет это всё тестить (нет).

  11. Народ, в гробницах открытые и запертые сундуки даже под защитой ловушек оказываются пустые,на их содержимое что нибудь вообще влияет??Обидно,даже когда к сундуку есть специальный ключ,открываешь его с надеждой найти там что-то необычное или ценное,а он пустой((

    Влияет рандом. Какой сундук, например?


  12. Эх; я ж его чистила. Видимо, не оттуда файл грузила. Upd.: оказывается, я просто не умею правильно чистить плагины. Век живи, век учись...

    Прошу прощения, научусь и перезалью.


    Большое спасибо, morrow! Даже неловко, что мой "домик_в_балморе" удостоился такого внимания товарища тестера.

    Не поправили его с того времени?

  13. Не нашёл такой папки. Выполнил поиск по диску С(единственный на моей системе) и ничего(

    Скрины делал клавишей print screen. Через МФР играю. Видать похерились мои репорты(

    Репорты нормальные по другому делаются:


    Нашли шов в "текстурах", баг, кривую модель и т.п.? — Используйте Beta Comment!

    • Открываете консоль (~/Ё), кликаете на кривой объект левой кнопкой мыши и пишете комментарий, например: BC "Текстура кривая." (Язык меняется кнопкой Scroll Lock, BC "…" пишем латиницей).
    • В файле BetaComment.txt в Data Files получается строка со следующими выходными данными: Время создания комментария, файл, где находится объект, время изменения этого файла, мое имя (имя пользователя Windows), ячейка, X, Y и Z координаты объекта и, конечно, сам комментарий.
    • При написании поста просто копируете содержимое файла сюда и прицепляете скриншоты. Вуаля.


    Папка должна быть. Открываете MGEXEgui.exe и проверьте на первой же вкладке куда он сохраняет скриншоты.

  14. И подскажите, пожалуйста, насчёт горькой чаши - у меня все характеристики, кроме силы воли (6) и удачи (22), по сто. Когда я выпиваю из горькой чаши, сила воли становится 0, а удача остаётся на месте. Что я делаю не так?

    Худшая характеристика падает на 20 единиц, лучшая – на 20 растёт. Выше 100 и ниже 0 не двигаются характеристики. Соответственно у вас Сила воли падает до 0, и ничего больше 100 не растёт. На Удачу, которая у вас не лучшая, но и не худшая, Горькая Чаша никак не повлияет.

  15. Мам-ма дорогая! Все мои геройски-божественные достижения пойдут лесом? Я опять стану обнулёнышем? Не, я, конечно, стерплю ради тонн нового контента, но... А что по поводу TR? Если его летом ещё не будет вставлено в 3.3, то снова ждать обнуления?

    Никто же не мешает играть на версии 3.2.

    TR можете не ждать ещё долго, я вангую. Там столько переводить, что нужна команда переводчиков + он сам в процессе создания.

  16. Добрый вечер. Прежде, чем снова окунуться в сказочный морровинд, уже с этой сборкой, хотелось бы прояснить пару моментов:

    1. У меня имеется стим версия игра, есть какой нибудь вариант использовать её для запуска фуллреста или это гиблое дело и про это лучше забыть? Просто очень не хочется делать образы дисков и так далее. Не сочтите за лень, просто не хочу этим пользоваться и всё.

    2. Этот вопрос вытекает из предыдущего. Я так понял, можно запустить сборку через openmv, не используя образ диска. Что я потеряю, используя данный способ? По воспоминаниям, морровинд обладал некой чарующей всратостью, не хотелось бы её растерять при прохождении.

    3. Как можно максимально приблизить сборку к оригиналу? Какие ползунки крутить, какие не крутить? Извиняюсь, если это есть в рид ми файле.

    4. Этот вопрос может показать обидным и некрасивым, заранее извиняюсь. Я очень боюсь всяческих вирусов и майнеров, скорее всего без причины, как с этим дела в этой сборке? Еще раз извиняюсь за этот вопрос, если кого то обидел.

    Спасибо заранее за ответы, хотелось бы конечно, чтобы сам создатель модификации меня во всем просветил.

    1. Лучше забыть.

    2. Ничего не потеряете. Образ не нужен будет, не будет некоторых шейдеров и дальность видимости будет ближе к оригинальной "всратой", что даже лучше, чем вариант через игру с оригинальным движком + графической приблудой в виде MGE XE.

    3. Если играть через ОпенМВ и с этой сборкой, то никаких телодвижений делать и не надо. Разве что в настройках игры выставить нужную дальность видимости + с шейдером воды поиграться.

    4. Никаких майнеров нет, автор и команда питаются хвалебными комментариями. У автора репака ещё в подписи есть:


    Карта сбербанка: 4817-7600-1514-8392




    Да.... Я буду очень благодарен! Просто я 25% времени игры в Морровинд трачу на раставляние предметов по домикам, собирание крутых вещей в 1 экземпляре и т.д.

    Было бы очень обидно начинать новую игру. 


    * Есть еще 1 вопрос. А могут какие-то новые добавленые квесты непойти из-за старых сейвов ?

    Я бы просто продолжал играть на старом сейве со старой версией сборки.

    Может выскочить что угодно, на самом деле. Но можно попробовать почистить сейв, теоретически, но это не гарантия избавления от глюков в будущем. С другой стороны даже если что-то запорется, то можно поправить в консоли, а таких мест, как ГМ в Балморе, которые были в новой версии перекроены, немного, так что жести как у вас на скринах с отсутствующими стенами будет 0 или в паре мест от силы.

  17. Господа, беседа приняла совсем неконструктивный характер и перешла на личные оскорбления, давайте жить дружно.
    К слову,  как хоть в игре это выглядит-то?


    Оооооо!а можно это хдето в камень выбить?!

    Нотариально заверенный скриншот))


    Сейчас легче английский выучить, чем всякими гуглами обмазываться. Дагот тоже хитер, пытается выехать на хайповой теме. От того, что ты сделал маленький переводчик за полтора дня твои моды не станут качественне, пойми уже это.


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