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I Can See You


Did you see your people?

They all turned out for you

We were all together not so long ago

When the light reclaimed you

We were left clawing at the sky


In the oceans we can find you

For the sun we praise your name

In the dirt we pray for god to bring you back again

I can see you, I can see you

In the void the stones are turning and turning and turning


I can see you, I can see you...

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Ice Ages - This Killing Emptiness


[written by Grom]


Come back you silent hour

so we could die again

by night that washed away the pain

that comes here to remain


By blood red dawn we'll leave

this killing emptiness

And ever to bring death and grief to me

to wander with our grief


A scent of blood, remember now!

A sence we had to kill

To never meet on the black hill

Just stay away and thrill


A void in blackness will remain

To keep a secret dream

Don't bother the enchanted flame

Just drawn in pain; again


I long to burn I long to mourn

Forever we'll remain

To die again, with sweetest pain

To stay away by grey


... by grey long shadows on a grave

To watch the mortal dy

To be eternal silent slaves Of death

- to meet again... To die in vain...

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Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night



My girl, my girl, dont lie to me

Tell me, where did you sleep last night?

In the pines, in the pines

Where the sun dont ever shine

I would shiver the whole night through


My girl, my girl, where will you go?

Im going where the cold wind blows

In the pines, in the pines

Where the sun dont ever shine

I would shiver the whole night through


Her husband, was a hard working man

Just about a mile from here

His head was found in a driving wheel

But his body never was found


My girl, my girl, dont lie to me

Tell me, where did you sleep last night?

In the pines, in the pines

Where the sun dont ever shine

I will shiver the whole night through

(sing it for me)


My girl, my girl, where will you go?

Im going where the cold wind blows

In the pines, in the pines

Where the sun dont ever shine

I would shiver the whole night through


My girl, my girl, dont lie to me

Tell me, where did you sleep last night?

In the pines, in the pines

Where the sun dont ever shine

I will shiver the whole night through


My girl, my girl, where will ya go?

Im going where the cold wind blows

In the pines, the pines

The sun, the shine

Ill shiver the whole night through

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Nun wirf mir Rosen auf den Sarg

Und deine Trдnen gieЯe in mein Grab

Ich konnte ihr nicht widerstehn

Und eine ganze Welt muss mit mir untergehn



Mit Blitz in den Augen

Keinen Hauch von Schuld auf deinem Engelsgesicht


Ein Dolch im Bewusstsein

Deine Absicht zu tцten fдllt nicht ins Gewicht


Mit Gift auf den Lippen

Einen Rosenkranz betend stehst du vor Gericht


Und dein sьЯes Lдcheln

Lockt mich in den Abgrund

Fьhrt mich hinters Licht


Sie traf mich mitten in das Herz

Fьr einen lebenslangen Todesschmerz

Ich trank mir Gift aus ihrer Hand

Und ihre falsche Liebe

Sie macht mich krank



Mit Blitz in den Augen

Keinen Hauch von Schuld auf deinem Engelsgesicht


Ein Dolch im Bewusstsein

Deine Absicht zu tцten fдllt nicht ins Gewicht


Mit Gift auf den Lippen

Einen Rosenkranz betend stehst du vor Gericht


Und dein sьЯes Lдcheln

Lockt mich in den Abgrund

Fьhrt mich hinters Licht

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Deform - Зарази меня жизнью


На поверженной Земле

Я засыпан снегопадом.

Я забуду о тебе,

Только звёзды со мной рядом

Перестану ждать тебя,

Верить в боль и наслаждаться.

Превратятся в лёд слова…

С ними я…


Дарят звёзды мёртвый свет.

Надо мною только небо —

В небе тысячи планет

Опадают вниз, тлея.

Я забыл твоё тепло,

Осудив себя навеки.

Веки снегом замело

И моей любви побеги.



Верь, что в небе солнце!

Знай, что я не рядом!

Боль сжигает тело!

Ты – зарази меня жизнью!



Дарят звёзды мёртвый свет.

Надо мною только небо —

В небе тысячи планет

Опадают вниз, тлея.

Я забыл твоё тепло,

Осудив себя навеки.

Веки снегом замело

И моей любви…

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Therion - Gothic Kabbalah


[Composer: Petter Karlsson]


Listen when the Sibyl speak

(of) prophecies and ciphers in the sky

Adulruna is her name

I will follow - Come to me!

Fifteen runes (were) revealed to me

A holy message from the Frey to Man

Secret letters in my mind

the door is open in your dreams

From ancient days the Sibyl speaks to me

through the northern wind

the Talisman of Gothic Kabbalah (she) reveals to me

The staves and runes are written in the sky

Read the book of Gog

The Talisman of Gothic Kabbalah (will) unite your soul

Kabbalah Upsalica

Odin, Thor and Frey, you'll find them here

I'm the runic kabbalist, the door is open in your dreams

From thrones and temples of the mighty gods

in the halls above the words and runes of

Gothic Kabbalah (are) once again revealed

The soul will fly, ascending into the sky to the halls above

The words and runes of Gothic Kabbalah

they'll break he chains

From ancient days the Sibyl speaks to me

through the northern wind

the Talisman of Gothic Kabbalah (she) reveals to me

The staves and runes are written in the sky

Read the book of Gog

The Talisman of Gothic Kabbalah (will) unite your soul

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Оля и Монстр - Жертва


Нанизаны звуки на тонкую нить,

Ты можешь связать меня, можешь убить,

Меня это вовсе не будет смущать,

Я, может быть, вовсе не буду кричать.

Разорвано сердце ночной тишиной,

Я стать бы могла твоей мертвой женой,

Не сопротивлялась, не сбросила пут,

Ждала, пока пальцы мне горло сожмут.


Не жалей меня - будь жесток!

Моя кровь - томатный сок,

Моя кровь - клюквенный мусс,

Мне не холодно, я не боюсь!


Когда наконец ты меня разорвешь,

Когда ты под ребра засунешь мне нож

И вырежешь знак у меня на спине

И как-то еще прикоснешься ко мне!

Ты холоден, хмур, ты не можешь согреть.

Зажги мое платье - я буду гореть.

Сломай мою руку, ударь об косяк,

Я так извелась, что согласна и так!


Не жалей меня - будь жесток!

Моя кровь - томатный сок,

Моя кровь - клюквенный мусс,

Мне не холодно, я не боюсь!


Не майся, не мучься, ты не одинок -

Я рядом с тобой - кучка пепла у ног

И пара обглоданных белых костей,

Невинная жертва любовных страстей.


Не жалей меня - будь жесток!

Моя кровь - томатный сок,

Моя кровь - клюквенный мусс,

Мне не холодно, я не боюсь!


Темнота... тишина... темнота... тишина... темнота... тишина... тишина........

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Ice Ages - The Denial


[written by Grom]


My eyes refuse to see

This pale sky filled with sorrow

The empty space we gain in melancholic dreams


My heart refused to count

The time I have till ending

To be a friend of dying leaves


My fate belongs the dark

This pain will leave no gashes

Closed eyes won't ever see this pain


My lungs refuse to breath

and prefer suffocation

To never see this thing called life

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David Bowie - Life on Mars



It's a God awful small affair

To the girl with the mousey hair,

But her mummy is yelling, "No!"

And her daddy has told her to go,

But her friend is no where to be seen.

Now she walks through her sunken dream

To the seats with the clearest view

And she's hooked to the silver screen,

But the film is sadd'ning bore

For she's lived it ten times or more.

She could spit in the eyes of fools

As they ask her to focus on



Fighting in the dance hall.

Oh man!

Look at those cavemen go.

It's the freakiest show.

Take a look at the lawman

Beating up the wrong guy.

Oh man!

Wonder if he'll ever know

He's in the best selling show.

Is there life on Mars?


It's on America's tortured brow

That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow.

Now the workers have struck for fame

'Cause Lennon's on sale again.

See the mice in their million hordes

From Ibeza to the Norfolk Broads.

Rule Britannia is out of bounds

To my mother, my dog, and clowns,

But the film is a sadd'ning bore

'Cause I wrote it ten times or more.

It's about to be writ again

As I ask you to focus on



Fighting in the dance hall.

Oh man!

Look at those cavemen go.

It's the freakiest show.

Take a look at the lawman

Beating up the wrong guy.

Oh man!

Wonder if he'll ever know

He's in the best selling show.


Is there life on Mars?..

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Catacombs - In The Depths Of R'lyeh


He who sleeps, ageless, out of time - awakens now from restless sleep - stirring from the depths of his aqueous tomb - at the sound of the gathering - of the neophytese of doom - chants in unknown tongues - echoes through accursed halls - the great eyes open... - the very cosmos shudder - at the awakening of the ungod - arising from the watery chasm - as his acolytes of doom - lurch forth from ebbing tides - as the world's doom - arises from the deep - and they chant...

Ja! Ja! Cthulhu Ftaghu!

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Ник Вдовиченко - Весна в Гонконге


Странная нынче весна

У очевидцев съезжают крыши

Вином забродила вся наша вина

А погода внутри постоянно стоит

От пол-литра и выше


Сегодня в мой город пришла весна

Зима утонула во тьме

И я ступаю гордо по улицам города

Города на белом холме

И я несу свое слово как нож

Отсекая духовную грыжу

Я до сих пор не научился мириться

С тем, что я ненавижу.

Этот город как девять граммов свинца

Он сидит у меня в печенках

Но я люблю его словно родного отца

И нежно называю Гонконгом


Грязь и цветы, поцелуи и драки,

Нож в руках у ребенка.

Но это не Чечня и не Чикаго

Это просто весна в Гонконге.


Глядя на ежедневное свинство

Я привык умирать молодым

Но сколько бы раз я не умер

Я намерен оставаться живым.

Ведь живым умирать еще рано

Так случилось, что я в их числе

Нам нужно успеть сократить поголовье

Сволочей на земле

Да, иногда этот город как мечта мазохиста,

Но кому-то он дарит крылья.

Здесь живут Че Гевара, Сократ, Монте-Кристо

В застенках местных Бастилий.


От счастья мигает огнями

И бежит за тобою вдогонку

Но это не Лас-Вегас и не Париж

Это просто весна в Гонконге.


Но попробуй отломить хоть кусочек счастья

Чтоб душа от счастья запела,

Как тут же подъедут менты,

Позовут понятых и пришьют тебе дело.

Население с детства привыкло

Жить в состоянии комы

И глядя на всевозможное быдло

Я опасаюсь за друзей и знакомых.

Одного этот город запинал до смерти,

Другого поймал в петлю.

И засыпая я мечтаю увидеть утром

Живыми тех кого я люблю.


Одни получают награды

Другие лишь похоронки,

Но это не битва под Сталинградом

Это просто весна в Гонконге.

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Чумовая песня. Особенно запоминается стих. Вообще весь альбом Damage Done довольно концептуальный.

Dark Tranquillity - Monochromatic Stains


There is this face

In the still water

I can't remember ever wearing!

Like fingerprints on your heart

Reading out the last lines of code

To the untrained eye a secret

I bled away the last of you!


Sought trust in shapes of combined results

That trickles from a less than solid case

Fought off attacks of resurfaced lust

Burn the gracing grounds



What will give in first?

The body or the lash?

Monochromatic stains!


Who will cave in first?

The leader or the fake?

Monochromatic stains!


This pile of ashes of a soul

Informant pokes abound

These sickly little fingers

Get away from me!


Tread not the path of least restraint

Each piece of evidence a lie!

A lie!

The body, the face, all items in place

I don't remember a thing!



What will give in first?

The body or the lash?

Monochromatic stains!


Who will cave in first?

The leader or the fake?




A sacrifice made to the loss of a mind

Folly a man's demise


Track now the stains that allow my fall

Sickening, the sight of it all

Never shall I claim my innocence

I just was not there!



What will give in first?

The body or the lash?

Monochromatic stains!


Who will cave in first?

The leader or the fake?

Monochromatic stains!


Ну, ещё. Single Part Of Two


"Come with me!"

He said and erased it from his mind

"Be with me now!"

But of love we are frightened stiff


We'd rather leave and head up for the skies

Than say all the right words too soon


And I never thought you would

But always knew you could


"We take off from here"

And in that instant nothing remained of what was

Whereas the soul provides

Freedom narrowed down for the taking


I never wanted you to lie

Never needed fragments of your day

A broken promise made

To always come around

Always come around

Never to stay


And as tired as clichés come

Did not expect nor frown upon

Lighter hearts have taken bait

Sweetened words now with bitter taste


A distance kept

That never fails to close us in

And forget the days that still linger on

Inside the single part of two


We’d rather leave no trace and not look back

Than face the anxiety here and now


And I never thought you would

But always knew you could


I never wanted you to lie

Never needed fragments of your day

A broken promise made

To always come around

Always come around

Never to stay


Ну и Fear Factory. Забавная песня, даже на них не похоже. Легко звучит, да и текст без особой смысловой нагрузки.


Here in my car

I feel safest of all

I can lock all my doors

It's the only way to live

In cars

Here in my car

I can only receive

I can listen to you

It keeps me stable for days

In cars

Here in my car

The image breaks down

Will you visit me please

If I open my door

In cars

Here in my car

I know I've started to think

About leaving tonight

Although nothing seems right

In cars

I know I've started to think

I know I've started to think

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Miranda Sex Garden - A Fairytale About Slavery


How long have you been lost down here?

How did you come to lose your way?

When did you realize

That you'd never be free?

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Pain - Nothing


Why are we never satisfied

The grass is always greener on the other side

Fear of never having enough, dreams that turns into rust

Sometimes it's better to leave things alone

The road to success is hard and cold


I'm turning into something I don't wanna be

I've got a feeling that something is changing me

I can not let it all slip away

It's driving me insane


I don't wanna be nothing

Time is ticking, I feel stranded

I don't wanna be nothing

Make it go away


Fighting the battle that's growing within

It doesn't matter if I lose or win

It's getting to the point where I can't get away

I can not let it all slip away

It's driving me insane


I don't wanna be nothing

Time is ticking, I feel stranded

I don't wanna be nothing

Make it go away


I don't wanna be nothing

Hate is growing inside of me

I don't wanna be nothing

I'm taking back what used to be mine


I can't believe my luck is bleeding

My demons refuse to let me go

The light in the tunnel I see is fading

My fire of life is burning low (so low)


I don't wanna be nothing

Time is ticking, I feel stranded

I don't wanna be nothing

Make it go away


I don't wanna be nothing

Hate is growing inside of me

I don't wanna be nothing

I'm taking back what used to be mine


I don't wanna be nothing

Take me from this hell I'm in

I don't wanna be nothing

My whole life I've been the only enemy


I don't wanna be nothing

Hate is growing inside of me

I don't wanna be nothing

I'm taking back what used to be mine

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Kadenzza - In The Woods


Once upon a time, there was a little girl,

who hadn't seen her mother in seven years.

Her mother had dressed her in iron clothes, saying...

"When you wear out these clothes, you may come to me"

The little girl rubbed her clothes on the wall trying to tear them.

Finally she did. She got some milk and bread...

and a little cheese and butter...

and set out for her mother's house.


In the woods she met a wolf.

He asked her what she was carrying.

"Milk and bread, and a little cheese and butter" she answered.

The wolf asked for some...

but the girl said no, it was a present for her mother.

The wolf asked whether she would take the path

of pins or the path of needles...

the girl said the path of pins... so the wolf hurried off

down the path of needles...

and ate up the little girl's mother.


Finally, the little girl reached her mother's house.

"Mother, unbar the door!"

"Just push on it, it's not locked"... the wolf answered.

But the door still wouldn't open,

so that she crept in through a hole.

"Mother, I'm hungry"

"There's meat in the cupboard, eat some"

It was the flesh of her mother, killed by the wolf...




Kadenzza - Mother's Flesh


Relieve your thirst

stave off your hunger

what satisfy your desire is the very thing

yes, it's mother's flesh and blood.


My sword licks its lips up your body

you will taste of my sword of lusts

ready to do it

no time to pray

no way to escape

no one to help you...


Any happy childhood memories

any touch of soft and warm mother's hands

you have these memories no longer

she is gonna be your flesh and blood.


"Mother' I'm thirsty"

"Drink some wine from the jar"

"That's your mother's blood you're drinking"

"Mother, a little bird in the chimney says I'm drinking your blood"

"Throw your cloak at it"

Having eaten the meat and drunk the blood,

the little girl turned to her mother and said

"I don't know why, but I'm very sleepy..."


"Come over here and rest"

The girl undressed and approached the bed...

where her mother lay in a strange position...

with a hood pulled over her face.

"Mother, what big ears you have"

"Mother, what big eyes you have"

"Mother, what big claws you have"

"Mother, what big teeth you have"


Spouting warm blood I've been looking for

your fresh heart still beating in my hand

I suck your juicy brain from the skull

your eyeballs stare into space at nothing.


Ready for death

no time to pray

no way to escape

no one to help you...


Heaven loves hell

hell needs heaven

a fallen angel once has borne wolf a son

that is me, a child of mixed blood.


You only curse my fate, innate evil

defile your purity with my original sin.


I can suck the cock of your god

I can fuck your sacred god...


And then the wolf

ate up little red riding hood...

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Nirvana - Sappy



And if you save yourself

You will make him happy

He'll keep you in a jar

And you'll think you're happy

He'll give you breathing holes

Then you'll think you're happy

He'll cover you with grass

And you'll think you're happy



You're really in a laundry room,

You're really in a laundry room

The clue that came to you, uhhh


And if you cut yourself

You will think you're happy

He'll keep you in a jar

Then you'll make him happy

He'll give you breathing holes

Then you'll think you're happy

He'll cover you with grass

Then you'll think you're happy



You're really in a laundry room,

You're really in a laundry room

The clue that came to you, uhhh

The clue that came to you, uhhh


And if you fool yourself

You will make him happy

He'll keep you in a jar

And you'll think you're happy

He'll give you breathing holes

Then you will seem happy

You'll wallow in your shit

Then you'll think you're happy



You're in a laundry room

You're in a laundry room

You're in a laundry room

The clue that came to you, uhhh

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Nirvana - Heart-shaped Box


She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak

I've been locked inside your Heart Shaped box, for weeks

I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap

I wish I could **eat** your cancer when you turn black




I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice



I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice



I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice


...your advice


Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet

Cut myself on Angel Hair and baby's breath

Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black

Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back




I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice



I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice



I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice

...Your advice


*guitar solo*


She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak

I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks

I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap

I wish I could **eat** your cancer when you turn black




I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice



I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice



I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice

Your advice

Your advice

Your advice...

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W.A.S.P - The Raging Storm


A storm is come

One war of sun and rain – within me

A raging storm

Lost crossroads thundering – in the wind

Dark and son

Who's the only one

To lay claim of me

Altars of store

Righteous temptations

Here at my feet


Give me love

To rage in me can you see?

Only love

Is saving me

Give me love, oh love

That rage in me


It rages on

Of mourn and memories

In the wind

A warring storm

My soul is bargaining – in the end

Is there no sun?

With only love in vain – and it's pain

Hear me oh Lord

Cleanse me evermore with

Your blood of rain


Holy war for my soul

Scares of memories remain

Oh, tell me why am I here

Storms of crossroads are rage

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Marilyn Manson - They Said Hell's Not Hot


I kill myself in small amounts

In each relationship it's not

About love.

Just another funeral and

Just another girl left in tears.

And I'm waiting

With the sound turned off

I'm waiting

Like a glass balloon

And I'm fading

Into the void and then

I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...

They said that hell's not hot

They said that hell's not hot

I gave my soul to someone else

She must have known that

It was already sold.

It was never about her,

It was about the hurt.

And so I'm waiting

With the sound turned off

I'm waiting

Like a glass balloon

And I'm fading

Into the void and then

I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...

I kill myself in small amounts

In each relationship it's not

About love.

Just another funeral and

Just another girl left in tears.

I'm waiting

With the sound turned off

I'm waiting

Like a glass balloon

I'm fading

Into the void and then

I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...

I'm waiting

Like a glass balloon

I'm fading

Into the void and then

I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...

I'm waiting

I'm waiting

I'm fading

I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone...

They said that hell's not hot

They said that hell's not hot

They said that hell's not hot

They said that hell's not hot

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To What End?


'Progress' is not progress, it is everlasting destruction

Technology is backwards




Slave to MACHINE



Modern civilization, a contradiction in terms

In terms of survival


Man is made to obey the...

Are we nothing but living...

MACHINE – a dead hand, it's work expresses death

No spirit in it's skeletal framework

The falsification of Man, to what end?





Slave to MACHINE



Perverted ingenuity of Man

Fools, we've lost out earthly wisdom


Not the way of nature

In a man-made state of disarray.

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Nirvana - D7



Straight as an arrow...

Defect defect...

Not straight, not so straight...

Reject reject...

Towards anti-social...

Solo solo...

Standing on the stairs...

Cold, cold morning...

Ghostly image of fear...

Mayday mayday...

Gonna leave this region...

They'll take me with them...

Dimension seven...


Straight as an arrow

Defect defect

Not straight, not so straight

Reject reject

Towards anti-social

Solo solo

Standing on the stairs

Cold, cold morning

Ghostly image of fear

Mayday mayday

Gonna leave this region

They'll take me with them

Dimension seven

















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Moonspell - Luna


Bleed no reflection

Upon the waters that you fear

Make things happen


Accept no resignation

For some life has been cruel

You have set the mood


Thinking about you... Luna


Lay the serpent's egg

In this worlds of make believe

And make things real


My seed of a lunacy

Was a sign made to resist

A mood set from birth


Thinking about you... Luna


Show me, your moon burns

Take me as the moon burns

The freezing Moon

Making things real for me

The killing Moon

Making things happen for me


Luna - All above

Wound of light in the enemy skies

Make things happen for me


On the eve of self destruction

On the eve of all can be... Thinking about you

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Nirvana - Territorial Pissings


Come on people now smile on your brother everybody get together, try love one another right now!



When I was an alien

Cultures weren't opinions


Gotta find a way, find a way, when I'm there

Gotta find a way, a better way, a better way


Never met a wise man

If so it's a woman


Gotta find a way, find a way, when I'm there

Gotta find a way, a better way, a better way

Gotta find a way, find a way, when I'm there

Gotta find a way, a better way, a better way


Just because you're paranoid

Don’t mean they're not after you...












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OOmph! - Du willst es doch auch


Ein tiefer Riss zerteilt die Haut

Und doch verschenkst du keinen Laut

Du wartest, dass der Schmerz beginnt

Dass dein Gefühl das Spiel gewinnt


Der scharfe Stahl läuft durch die Hand

Du bist dem Spiegel zugewandt

Du siehst die Macht im eignen Blick

Ein stummer Schrei - ein kurzes Glück


Komm! Nur noch ein Stück


Ich weiss, du willst es doch auch

Ich weiss, du fülst es doch auch in dir

Ich weiss, du willst es doch auch

Ich weiss, du brauchst es doch auch in dir

Lass mich!


Du presst dich an die kalte Wand

Hast alle Muskeln angespannt

Der dunkle Fluch hat sich vererbt

In deine Gene eingekerbt


Du hälst den Schaft in deiner Hand

Hast dich dem Ende zugewandt

Und während leis die Welt zerbricht

Lacht dir der Tod ins Angesicht


Komm! Lauf in das Licht

Ich weiss, du willst es doch auch...

Изменено пользователем Cthulhu
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