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Lyithdonea: The Azurian Isles / Льитдонея: Азурские Острова

Рекомендуемые сообщения

Пока полностью скопировал посты автора с оффорума. Буду постепенно переводить их на русский.

These are messages by the author of mod (completely copypasted from the BSF), not mine. I'll translate it to Russian.


Translated by Tyddyner.



Lyithdonea: The Azurian Isles



Melchior Dahrk


Far from the greed of Imperial conquest, Azura, Lady of the Star, bestowed her inner thoughts on Nirn. From the flower of her mind sprang a land, The Azurian Isles.

Faleno Sorveyn, Scribe Presbyter


Вдалеке от неуёмной алчности Имперского Завоевания, Азура, Леди Звезды, нанесла свои сокровенные мысли на поверхность Нирна. Из бутона её разума поднялась новая земля, Острова Азуры.

Фалено Сорвейн, Пресвитер-Писарь


Explanation / Суть:


Lyithdonea is a new landmass mod for TESIII: Morrowind. I have a full mainquest and several faction questlines in the outline. The mod focuses on delving into various facets of lore in the Elder Scrolls universe while throwing the player into a new land full of wonder and mystery.


One of my greatest prides in this endeavor is the large amount of lore I have created for this new land, all being sympathetic to existing lore. I have written multiple books on the history, factions, religion, flora, fauna of the isles; and many more are planned or in the works. That's just the books. I'm also writing a fully fledged storyline with side quests.



Льитдонея - это модификация для игры TESIII: Morrowind, которая добавляет новые земли. В наличии у меня есть готовый мэйнквест и в разработке находятся отдельные квестовые ветки фракций. Мод фокусируется на исследовании различных аспектов лора вселенной Древних Свитков путём отправления игрока в новые земли, полные тайн и загадок.


Одна из тех вещей, которыми я по праву могу гордится - это глубокая проработка большого объёма сведений о новых землях, которые максимально вписываются в существующий лор. Я написал множество внутриигровых книг об истории, фракциях, религии, флоре и фауне Островов, а кроме того, ещё больше текстов запланировано или находятся в разработке. И это только книги. Я также работаю над полноценной сюжетной линией с побочными квестами.





History / История:


When the Chimer were led by the triune Good Daedra into the old land of Veloth, each Daedra Lord fostered its own group of priests and priestess. After entering Veloth, the High Velothi Culture dwindled into tribal nature, finally emerging as early versions of the modern Dunmer Houses. Among these houses were the Minor House Daedra, which included House Boethiah, House Mephala and, most importantly to this mod, House Azura. For many generations, the Minor Houses led the Great Houses in worship of the Good Daedra. However, when the Tribunal ascended to godhood and replaced the old traditions of ancestor and daedra worship, the Minor House Daedra began to fall out of favor in the emerging Great House and Dunmer Temple culture.


Azura heard the cries of her persecuted House and legends portray her performing the Translation to "create" the Azurian Isles for her devout House. When she was finished, Azura gathered all of House Azura and brought them to the isles. Where they have dwelt for the past 3000 years. [Azura's "creation" of the isles is possibly only folk-lore but don't bring that up with a House Azuran zealot!]


House Azura is sanctioned into two easily definable divisions: The House Azura Government and the Sacred Azuran Presbytery. The Presbytery is the modern representation of the ancient priestly lines, while House Azura resembles modern Great Houses more in structure and government, led by the Grandmaster and the counsel-men of the Rose Council.



Когда Кимеры были ведомы триединством Хороших Даэдра в старые земли Велота, каждый Принц Даэдра благоприятствовал общинам своих собственных последователей, жрецов и жриц. После прихода в Велот, высокая культура Велоти деградировала до племенного уклада, постепенно развившегося в прототипы современных Домов Данмеров. Среди этих Домов были Малые Дома даэдропоклонников, которые включали в себя Дом Боэтии, Дом Мефалы и (что особенно важно для этого мода) Дом Азуры. В течении многих поколений Малые Дома подчинялись Великим, соединённые общей традицией поклонения перед Хорошими Даэдра. Тем не менее, когда Трибунал вознёсся к божественности, Малые Дома даэдропоклонников впали в немилость к Великим Домам и формирующемуся Храму.


Азура услышала мольбы своих последователей из Малого Дома даэдропоклонников и, как гласят легенды, она обратила эти мольбы в силу, которой и "создала" Азурские Острова для своего благочестивого Дома. Когда творение было закончено, Азура собрала вместе весь Дом Азуры и отвела их на новые земли (возможно, "сотворение" островов Азурой - это просто народная легенда, но не вздумайте говорить об этом с фанатиком из Дома Азуры!).


Дом Азуры разделён на две части - Правительство Дома и Священную Азурианскую Пресвитерию. Пресвитерия является религиозной структурой, современным представительством древних жреческих родов, в том время как Светская часть Дома больше напоминает Великие Дома Данмеров, как по структуре, так и по управлению - Дом возглавляет Грандмастер и советники, заседающие в Совете Роз.





Religion / Религия:


Azura is the prime deity worshiped by House Azura, they respect the other daedra but do not worship them. The old ways of ancestor worship are also an integral part of worship and communing in the isles. Ancestral tombs, minor ghost gences, and Waiting Doors are common in the Isles.


Азура является главным божеством и объектом поклонения для Дома Азуры, они уважают также других даэдра, но не поклоняются им. Старая разновидность культа предков также является неотъемлемой частью религии островного сообщества. Родовые гробницы, тамошние призраки и Двери Ожидания довольно распространены на Островах.




Geography / География:


The Azurian Isles are a large archipelago located far to the southeast of Vvardenfell Island, and beyond the mainland of Morrowind. The lush, tropical Azurian Isles Region dominates the archipelago. To the south, the traditionally named Thousand Isles are inhabited by the separatist Ouameri tribe of Dunmer. In the southeastern portion of the isles is a high peak known to the locals as Starmount which holds great significance in their religious rituals.


Азурские Острова или Острова Азуры - это крупный архипелаг, расположенный на юго-восток он острова Вварденфелл и континентального Морровинда. Доминирующим биомом на архипелаге являются пышные тропические леса. Юг архипелага, именуемый Тысячью Острово, населён сепаратистами(?) из данмерского племени Уамери (?). В юго-восточной части островов находится их высочайшая точка - пик Звездогор, который имеет огромное значение в религиозных ритуалах островитян.


Lyithdonea in relation to Vvardenfell and TR (Льитдонея по отношению к Вварденфеллу и проекту Tamriel Rebuilt)







Factions / Фракции:


Besides House Azura and the Azuran Presbytery, there are three prominent factions in Lyithdonea: the Ouakam Tong, the Guild of Mages, and the Ouamer. The Ouakam Tong is a dunmer guild unique to the isles, they could be defined as a diving guild, but in reality there is more to the Tong than that definition and the player will have to learn about them during the story, and possibly their own questline, if I have time. The Mages Guild set up shop many years ago and are one of the few foreign agencies currently allowed in the isles, and the player's point of entry. The Ouamer are the tribe of dark elves living in the swampy southern region of Lyithdonea. [The Guild of Fighters and a couple other factions have minor embassies in the isles]


Кроме Дома Азуры и Азурианской Пресвитерии, есть три заметных фракции на Льитдонее: это Уакам Тонг, Гильдия Магов и Уамеры.

Уакам Тонг - это данмерское сообщество, аутентичное для островов, их можно назвать Гильдией Ныряльщиков, но на самом деле они куда больше "Тонг", чем можно выразить в названии и игроку придётся узнать их историю, а возможно пройти их собственную цепочку квестов (если у меня будет время для работы над ней).

Гильдия Магов когда-то давно открыла на островах магазин и является одной из нескольких иностранных организаций, которым позволено вести деятельность на островах, а также Гильдия является отправной точкой для игроков.

Уамеры - племя тёмных эльфов, живущих в болотистом южном регионе Льитдонеи.

Кроме того, Гильдия Бойцов и пара других фракций имеют свои представительства на островах.





Bethesda Forum threads / Темы на беседкофоруме:

[super WIP] Lyithdonea, The Azurian Isles #1 #2 #3 #4


And without further ado, Welcome to Lyithdonea!



---Many of these screenshots may be out of date and are left here for curiosity's sake. I'd say things have improved since these overall

---Многие из представленных скриншотов уже могли устареть и остаются здесь лишь для истории. Я бы сказал, что с тех пор ситуация довольно улучшилась


-Landscape- / -Ландшафт-


Cities / Города


-Azura-/ -Азура-

Presbytery District / Район Пресвитерии 1 2

Poor Town / Бедный город 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Palace / Дворец 1


-Ouakhen- / -Уакен-

1 2* *shows new palms / новые пальмы


-Delaruhn- / -Деларун-



-Drakhis- / -Драхис-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


-Bnay- / -Бнэй-



Sites / Места


-Gah-fredath Lighthouse - / Маяк Га-фредат

1 2 3


-Keastral Island- / -Остров Кистраль-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9* *shows new palms 10* *shows new palms


-Zainus Lagoon- / -Лагуна Зайнус-

1 2 3 4


-Dor Dalla- / -Дор Далла-

1 2 3 4 5


-Tamtreskashtu- / -Тамтрескашту-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


-Tarshon, The Scabrous Residuum- / -Таршон, резиденция Скабруса-



Wilderness / Дикая природа


-Azurian Isles- / -Азурские Острова-

1 2 3


-Thousand Isles Region- / Регион Тысячи Островов

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

- With New Trees / - с новыми деревьями

1 2 3 4


-Mount Velnilo Vicinity- / гористые окрестности Вельнило



-Isles of Dusk- / -Острова Сумерек-

1 2 3 4


-Jermora, Bamboo Forest- / -Джермора, бамбуковый лес-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


-Jermora, Steps- / Джермора, Ступени

1 2 3 4 5 6


-Jermora, Docks- / -Джермора, пристань

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


-Jermora, Ravine- / -Джермора, ущелье-

1 2 3 4 5 6






Dungeons / Подземелья


-Isle of Dusk, Caverns- / Острова Сумерек, пещеры

1 2 3







-Miscellaneous- / -Разности-



Armor / Броня


Cephalapod Armor (броня из цефалоподов)


Decoration / Декор


Flower Vase (цветочная ваза)




Flora / Флора


Jarmaberry Weeds / Кустики Вооружьягоды


Duskbells / Сумеречные бубенцы


Dawnbells / Заряничные бубенцы


ROSES!!! (Azura is the Mother of the Rose and lives in the Rose Palace) / РОЗЫ!!! (Азура является Матерью Роз и живёт в Дворце из Роз)


Glenda / Гленда


Scribtail / Скрибохвост


Moonflowers / Луноцветы


Corktree / Пробочник древовидный


Bandum Stalk / Бандум стебельчатый




Fauna / Фауна


Cephalapod (I think TR made one of these, but this is all mine) / Цефалопод (мне думается, что подобный есть в проекте TR, но этот - полностью мой)


Vesperfly / Звонец


Pashat / Пашат


Slaughtershark (stole the concept, but made my own textures and model) / Акула-убийца (взял за основу чужой концепт)


Owlbear (updated my old model and textures) / Совомедведь (обновил свой старый проект)


Coralfish / Коралловая рыбка


Sandscarab / Скарабей-пескорой


Ja'jall / Джа'джалл


Puddlemonkey Grunt / Лужевая мартышка-салага


Puddlemonkey Brute / Лужевая мартышка-зверь


Peacock / Павлинец


Illuvitar 2 / Иллювитар


Undead Winged Twilight / Крылатый Сумрак-нежить


Imbued Statue / Одушевлённая статуя


Quilled Netch 1 2 / Грузовой нетч


Dreugh Sentinel / Дреуг-стражник


Clawed Topielec 1 - Read about the Topielec / Клешнястый Утопец (и текст о нём)


The Chthonachs / Хтонахи (lol)


The Regular / Обычный Хтонах


The Flayer / Живодёр


The Knight / Кнехт


The Arcanist / Арканист


The Breaker / Крушитель


The Paladin / Паладин





-Lore- / -Лор-



I created a simple website to host my documents so far. You have the choice of viewing them online or downloading them.

Here are the ones available right now. With short descriptions.


Я создал простенький сайт для удобства хранения своих наработок и документов. Вы можете просмотреть их или скачать.

Здесь представлены доступные на данный момент тексты с небольшим описанием.


[Disclaimer: As with all text in TES, these books may or may not contain accurate information. Reader discretion advised. / Дисклеймер: Как и со всеми текстами во вселенной Древних Свитков, эти книги могут содержать как правду, так и неправду. Читатель был предупреждён.]


Azuran Historical Guide / Азурианская Историческая Справка

Explore the rich history of the Azurian Isles. This book will help explain certain things visible in modern and ancient House Azuran culture.


Откройте для себя богатую историю Азурских Островов. Эта книга поможет вам объяснить некоторые аспекты в современной и древней азурианской культуре.


The Translation / Перевод

Curious to read about what methods Azura used to fashion the isles? This book should explain all.


Заинтересованы прочитать, каким образом Азура создала Острова? Эта книга должна всё разъяснить.


Taking Water / Взятая Вода

How did The Isles come to be called Lyithdonea? Read this short historical book to discover that and more!


Как Острова приобрели название Льитдонея? Прочитайте эту небольшую книжку, чтобы раскрыть для себя это и многое другое!


Change Magick / Изменённая Магика

Here is a simple book which delves into the unique form of Alteration used by Azura during The Translation.


Здесь в простом изложении представлены исследования уникальных методов внесения Изменений, использованных Азурой во Время Перевода.


Presbytery of Azura / Пресвитерия Азуры

The Sacred Azuran Presbytery is firmly rooted in House Azuran culture. The current High Priestess wrote this guide to assist Proselytes in understanding the Faith.


Священная Азурианская Пресвитерия является основополагающим стрежнем всей азурианской культуры. Нынешнаяя Высшая Жрица написала это руководство, чтобы помочь новообращённым познать принципы веры.


The Nautican / Гребец

The Ouakam Tong are a strange faction dedicated to the exploration and preservation of the ocean's secrets. This is their guildbook. Written in an odd style of dutiful instruction. Should be interesting.


Уакам Тонг - странная организация, чьи члены посвящают себя исследованию и сохранию тайн океана. Это их главная книга, написанная в стиле нерифмованного стиха. Должно быть интересно.


Azura the Angel / Азура Благая

Just a little fleshing out of Azura's personality in my mod. This will come into play in the main quest.


Просто небольшое уточнение представления о личности Азуры в моём моде. Будет представлено в основном квесте.


Secret of the Dreugh / Секрет Дреугов

A book containing my take on the history and development of the dreugh species.


Книга, содержащая в себе мои попытки разобраться в истории и развитии видов дреугов.



I will be adding more as I finish writing them. I am also working on some none-Azuran-lore books which will be included in the release. These include a series of Daedra Slayer's Guides (mentioned in the Morrowind books somewhere...). Enjoy!

Я добавлю больше книг, после того, как закончу их писать. Я также работаю над некоторыми неазурианскими книгами, которые будут включены в релиз. Будут присутствовать руководства по убийству даэдра (кое-где основанные на книгах оригинальной игры...) Наслаждайтесь!





Map of Lyithdonea / Карта Льитдонеи [map is outdated / устаревшая]


Most up-to-date map of Lyithdonea / Свежайшая карта Литдонеи







As can be seen from the map, the landscaping is far from finished. The actual area may be increased, especially in each of the corners. Currently though I have about 200 exterior cells, this will likely grow to 250 before completion mainly due to underwater landscaping.


Как можно увидеть по карте, создание ландшафта далеко от завершения. Возможно, игровая территория будет увеличена, особенно на углах карты. Здесь я представляю около 200 ячеек экстерьера, а затем и 250 ячеек, когда закончу работать над подводным миром.

[current map / сегодняшняя]






-Progress- / -Прогресс-




Azura (City + Island)

Exterior - 85%

Interior - 5%


Dor Dalla (GoM Campus + Island)

Exterior - 90%

Interior - 5%


Gateway Canton (Steampark Canton + Dock + Immediate Settlement)

Exterior - 85%

Interior - 0%


Ouakhen (Distinct Gateway Canton Settlement)

Exterior - 90%

Interior - 0%


Keastral Island (Name sucks)

Exterior - 90%

Dungeons - 10%


Jermora Region (City of Jermora nixed, region exists as wilderness path to the Isles of Dusk)

Exterior - 75%

Dungeons - 0%


Jermora Docks (Docks + Hostel for pilgrims)

Exterior - 90%

Interior - 0%


Isles of Dusk

Exterior - 85%

Dungeons - 0%


Isles of Dawn

Exterior - 50%

Dungeons - 0%


Drakhis Region

Exterior - 75%

Dungeons - 15%


Drakhis (City of the Dead - up for exterior redesign)

Exterior - 50%

Interior - 1%


Ouamuhr Island (Ouag Tong HQ)

Exterior - 75%

Interior - 0%


Starmount Region (Mountain + Shrine)

Exterior - 80%

Dungeons - 0%


Starmount Settlement (Subterranean Settlement - up for redesign)

Exterior - 50%

Interior - 5%


Mount Velnilo Region

Exterior - 90%

Dungeons - 0%


Zainus Lagoon (previously Dundaeth Lagoon)

Exterior - 85%

Dungeons - 15%


Gah-Fredath Lighthouse (Eastern Lighthouse)

Exterior - 70%

Interior - 0%


Thousand Isles Region

Exterior - 60%

Dungeons - 0%


Bnay (Main Islander/Ouameri City - up for redesign)

Exterior - 50%

Interior - 1%



Exterior - 95%

Interior - 20%


Tarshon Region (The Scabrous Residuum)

Exterior - 60%

Dungeons - 0%





That is a rough estimate of my current progress on this. I'll try and update this from time to time as I make headway.


Эта оценка весьма приблизительна. Я буду обновлять пост с прогрессом время от времени, чтобы показать свои успехи.




Скачать с Nexusmods. Последняя версия на текущий (29.09.17) момент – 0.1.4с

Форум Lyithdonea: The Azurian Isles на форумах Project Tamriel (ENG)

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Топ авторов темы

Очень давно знаю про этот мод и жду его. Тему следовало давно создать.


Текущая тема на оффоруме: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1459532-super-wip-lyithdonea-the-azurian-isles-4/

Блог автора: http://dahrk.blogspot.ru/

У нас автор тоже зарегистрирован с недавнего времени: http://www.fullrest.ru/forum/user/18263-melchior/

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Эпично. С размахом. Да ещё в лор вписался.

Куча новых моделей и текстур. Совомедведи забавны. Ещё бы тиграм другую текстуру нацепить, а то уж слишком по-Земному выходит.


З.Ы. Надеюсь эта тема на форуме заставит Мельхиора почаще здесь появляться, а то он только Крабовы работы оценивает))

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I'm flattered that there is interest in my project here. I've been working on it when I have time for over 7 years now. It isn't complete yet because I've gotten married, gone to university, had children, and acquired a job during that time! But I am working hard to try and get the first beta release out this spring. It will include all of the exterior cells and some interior cells.


I'll do my very best to respond to any questions here. Though my knowledge of Russian is severely limited and I know how much all of you dislike Google Translate, but that's what I'm resigned to use! :(



Эпично. С размахом. Да ещё в лор вписался.

Куча новых моделей и текстур. Совомедведи забавны. Ещё бы тиграм другую текстуру нацепить, а то уж слишком по-Земному выходит.


З.Ы. Надеюсь эта тема на форуме заставит Мельхиора почаще здесь появляться, а то он только Крабовы работы оценивает))

Panache, размахом! Thank you for the complement. I've tried to give this mod a unique style.


Yes, I have been following the Great Crab for some time now. I love his work. :)


"Совомедведи забавны. Ещё бы тиграм другую текстуру нацепить, а то уж слишком по-Земному выходит." - this didn't translate well. Совомедведи забавны translated to "Sovomedvedi funny". Does it mean "Some look funny"? If so, I'd agree, I'm not a very good creature/monster artist. The creatures are something I hope to improve upon.


I'll do my best to keep this topic up to date, morrow!



Внизу справа за ТР.

And, for anyone interested, this image shows that the temple you see in this image is approximately the size of a Dunmer Stronghold. It may help show you the size of the archipelago. Although, the overview image is slightly out of date.


А разве Совомедведи не монстры из ДНД?

Like I said above, "Совомедведи" did not translate well. I'm not sure what it or "ДНД" are. "ДНД" translates as PSD. Which I only know as PhotoShop files. :dontknow:

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Here is the latest update for Lyithdonea!



Just thought I'd show a little of what I've been working on. I'm pressing on with trying to get these exteriors done. I still have a decent amount of work to do. But progress is good. Right now I'm reworking the Thousand Isles region to be more swampy and congested and less open and barren. Here's some WIP shots:

Screen 01

Screen 02

Before that, I was reorganizing the city layout of the capitol and trying to improve access between the various districts. To make the city more efficient. This is still a work in progress (especially the docks!). But feel free to take a look.

Azura City


good news! we're waiting :)

I know! I've made everyone wait far too long. Life got in the way. :D

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"Совомедведи" ="совы" + "медведи" = owls + bears :)

Aha! Thank you usolo; yes, they are funny looking! So I'll assume that Ivar was saying that they are a creature from DnD? Not PSD, which Google Translate gave me. :P

Изменено пользователем Melchior
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Aha! Thank you usolo; yes, they are funny looking! So I'll assume that Ivar was saying that they are a creature from DnD? Not PSD, which Google Translate gave me. :P

DnD - Dungeons and Dragons. He's mean that monsters are from dungeons and dragons World.

PS: sorry for my english, I'm not the good one in that language.

Изменено пользователем Wonterone
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DnD - Dungeons and Dragons. He's mean that monsters are from dungeons and dragons World.

PS: sorry for my english, I'm not the good one in that language.

Which makes the communication even more fun, as I'm much worse at your language! :dagoth: <- by the way, I love the emoticons on this forum. Totally awesome.

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Here is the latest update for Lyithdonea!




Just thought I'd show a little of what I've been working on. I'm pressing on with trying to get these exteriors done. I still have a decent amount of work to do. But progress is good. Right now I'm reworking the Thousand Isles region to be more swampy and congested and less open and barren. Here's some WIP shots:


Screen 01

Screen 02

Significant part of Morrowind's appeal comes from an emptyness. Can you show screenshots with former look of this place?

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Significant part of Morrowind's appeal comes from an emptyness. Can you show screenshots with former look of this place?

You can look in the OP and see the screenshots labeled "Thousand Isles region". Note that a lot of those areas are being at least partially preserved. The region will get denser as you go inward. There will be many rocky isles surrounding it which may be suitably barren to hearken back to what you love about Morrowind. Remember, we're not on Vvardenfell anymore! Red Mountain doesn't have a detrimental affect on plant growth out here in the Padomaic Ocean!

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You can look in the OP and see the screenshots labeled "Thousand Isles region". Note that a lot of those areas are being at least partially preserved. The region will get denser as you go inward. There will be many rocky isles surrounding it which may be suitably barren to hearken back to what you love about Morrowind. Remember, we're not on Vvardenfell anymore! Red Mountain doesn't have a detrimental affect on plant growth out here in the Padomaic Ocean!
You're making a totally different and exotic ecosystem, and that's the great effort.


I'll explain some fragments that could've possibly been translated badly. My English sucks but Google Translate is even worse :)


Да ещё в лор вписался.
It means "lore friendly". We use "лор" for TES Lore in short.


Ещё бы тиграм другую текстуру нацепить, а то уж слишком по-Земному выходит.
It was a wish to slightly repaint tigers' texture 'cause they look way too similar to their Earth brothers.



Just thought I'd show a little of what I've been working on. I'm pressing on with trying to get these exteriors done. I still have a decent amount of work to do. But progress is good. Right now I'm reworking the Thousand Isles region to be more swampy and congested and less open and barren. Here's some WIP shots:


Screen 01

Screen 02


Before that, I was reorganizing the city layout of the capitol and trying to improve access between the various districts. To make the city more efficient. This is still a work in progress (especially the docks!). But feel free to take a look.


Azura City

Looks great!
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You can look in the OP and see the screenshots labeled "Thousand Isles region". Note that a lot of those areas are being at least partially preserved. The region will get denser as you go inward. There will be many rocky isles surrounding it which may be suitably barren to hearken back to what you love about Morrowind. Remember, we're not on Vvardenfell anymore! Red Mountain doesn't have a detrimental affect on plant growth out here in the Padomaic Ocean!

Those ones look perfect, this one especially. You're kinda surrounded by bushes, trees and rocks from all directuions, which makes you feel safe, same thing how fog and landscape makes you feel in vanilla Morrowind.

How did you came up with a "Tamtreskashtu" title? It sounds like "там треска, штук:" or "там треска, что", and I like it. :)

Изменено пользователем Crystallize
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You're making a totally different and exotic ecosystem, and that's the great effort.


I'll explain some fragments that could've possibly been translated badly. My English sucks but Google Translate is even worse :)


It means "lore friendly". We use "лор" for TES Lore in short.


It was a wish to slightly repaint tigers' texture 'cause they look way too similar to their Earth brothers.

Thanks, Scarab!


Okay, so лор is phonetically "lor" in English. Well, that makes sense then!


I'm not 100% done with the tigers or many of the other creatures. As I've said, making creatures isn't my forte, but I think I could do better now, especially on the texturing, than I did several years ago on that tiger! :D So once I get through the exteriors, expect me to start focusing on clothing and creatures a bit more. After all, I'll need to populate the wilderness! Thank you for the critique, morrow.


Those ones look perfect, this one especially. You're kinda surrounded by bushes, trees and rocks from all directuions, which makes you feel safe, same thing how fog and landscape makes you feel in vanilla Morrowind.

How did you came up with a "Tamtreskashtu" title? It sounds like "там треска, штук:" or "там треска, что", and I like it. :)

I will definitely keep your comment in my mind and try to have a good balance between thick swamp lands and open islands. Thanks, Crystallize!


I made the name up, no direct inspiration was used; but I wanted it to fit in with the names of other Daedric shrines. But I wanted to avoid having "ash" in the name like many Daedric ruins on Vvardenfell. I thought it sounded good as well; and I am glad that you agree! I plan to make a couple other ruins on the islands.


edit: also, that is a rather humorous meaning in your Russian rendition of the name! :D

Изменено пользователем Tyddyner
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Okay, so лор is phonetically "lor" in English. Well, that makes sense then!
Yes. We have word "фольклор" for "folklore" but lack the separate term for "lore" (as in "wisdom", "knowledge", however we do have separate words for these terms - for example, dialog topic "Morrowind lore" was translated as "Wisdom of Morrowind"). So Russian TES-communities usually use calque "лор" for TES-related lore.
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Yes. We have word "фольклор" for "folklore" but lack the separate term for "lore" (as in "wisdom", "knowledge", however we do have separate words for these terms - for example, dialog topic "Morrowind lore" was translated as "Wisdom of Morrowind"). So Russian TES-communities usually use calque "лор" for TES-related lore.

That's very interesting how that works out in language. Well I am definitely striving to make my mod as лор вписался as possible! I enjoy the challenge of expanding upon existing лор without overwriting or ignoring it. As you all can see in the OP, I've written several short "books" to help flesh out the лор of Lyithdonea some more. If you read, just remember that history is written by the victors and is never unbiased. ;)


edit: I'm curious, what does the Мимопроходимец under my avatar mean? Google Translates translation is useless: Mimoprohodimets. I assume it is saying what group I am part of...


I'm also curious what the image under my avatar says. Looks like it's phonetically "grazdanin"

Изменено пользователем Melchior
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edit: I'm curious, what does the Мимопроходимец under my avatar mean? Google Translates translation is useless: Mimoprohodimets. I assume it is saying what group I am part of...
It's the status of your post count. It means "he who walks by".


I'm also curious what the image under my avatar says. Looks like it's phonetically "grazdanin"
It's "citizen", forum group for most users.


Sorry for off-topic.



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Okey, little bit offtopic:

"grazdanin" is "citizen", it's user group, common.

"Мимопроходимец" means someone, who is passing by.


Can you say more about storyline, about quests or you just writing it now?

It's the status of your post count. It means "he who walks by".


It's "citizen", forum group for most users.


Sorry for off-topic.



Thank you both for the responses. And sorry for causing the off topic in my own thread, but I was curious. :D


As to the storyline... hmmm.. how much do I want to share? :oskal:


Well, for you guys, I'll share a small snippet of what I have planned; I haven't shown this anywhere else yet! I have the first chapter of the storyline completely written out with dialogue and everything, though it is not implemented in game yet. But here is the intro to the story overview:



Nemroth, a name unknown. He is Azura's mer-child; begotten through her intimacy with Elder Daon in the First Era. He was born by Azura in her realm but was cast out due to his harmful mischief and constant consorts with external daedra. He was left to drift in the void, half mer, half daedroth; easily shifting between the Mundus and Oblivion. The power of his mother, Azura, partially passed on to Nemroth and by channeling his power he was able to form his own small sub-realm in Oblivion. The subjects he could muster were few and those he could conjure himself, fewer. Lordless Atronachs frequently drift into his realm, and some, feeling kinship due to their shared exile and appreciating his permanent place of dwelling, pledged allegiance to this half-daedroth master. These castaway Atronachs (known as Chthonachs {thoh-nok-s}) formed the bulwark of his minions, which was fitting, for they serve the devil-parent of the forsaken and vengeful. But Nemroth had ulterior motives for his daedric subjects. His hatred for Azura was not forgotten. He was infinitely jealous of "her children that were not her children", House Azura.

When the player arrives in Lyithdonea, trouble with Nemroth's realm of Umbrage is just beginning to enter local rumors: gossip of brutal deaths and strange sights in the isles. He/She is requested to attend an audience with Lady Azura. The Queen of the Night Sky requests aid to protect her House, she is Daedric and her power is limited in the Mundus. But Nemroth, being half-mortal, can visit Nirn with relative ease. The player proves his/her worth and gathers the necessary assistance to defeat House Azura’s foe. Thus the player is drawn into an age-old conflict between mother, child, and 'siblings'.



Note, that I picked the name "Umbrage" before the novels came out with their city of Umbriel... so I may change the name of the realm in the future.


Big thanks for your job, Melchior, it is... impossible and wonderfull!


P.S. Sorry, i bad study English at school)

And my plan is to achieve the impossible! Thank you.


No worries, I'm over here not even attempting to write in Russian. :sorry:

Изменено пользователем Tyddyner
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